Wednesday, June 12, 2013


For the bulk of my esteemed readers who were probably too busy to track down the news of Uncle’s SLS’s penchant for adulterous kisses, maybe this would help you see the picture from a telescopic view.
Premium Times news informed us that twenty minutes to midnight on February 25, 2013, and a day before the board of the Central Bank of Nigeria was due to meet, Governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi developed a craving for romance—he badly needed a kiss. The governor, married, with children, grabbed his mobile phone and typed out a message.  “Maybe you should come kiss me before board meeting tomorrow,” Mr. Sanusi wrote and then squeezed the send button.
 Reading this episode of Sanusi's alleged sexcapades, I said to myself ; 'Woow, what a smart way to ask for some love'!
 Firstly, besides the humour involved, one would expect that such daring, cancerous and devilishly defamatory publication about a high profile public servant would make counter publications, detailed denials and even writs flying in the opposite direction. At least, if for anything, to save face and try to put up a fight like another disappointing Alhaji ones did having been caught functioning more as a bureau de change agent than as an oil subsidy scam investigator. 

As much as I wouldn't want to convict SLS on this issue without a fair hearing, despite the media being replete with news of his sexual proclivities, one is forced to dwell on the fact that its been well over 10 days since this damaging details were released about the Governor and no concrete effort has been made to debunk the allegations and assertions contained in the news despite its damaging effect. Besides the shamefully ricketty rejoinder published by the CBN, which obviously was nothing more than its PR department hastily putting up a job -saving show to cover its apparent idleness, its hard not to ask the question why SLS hasn't taken any bold step to personally herald his innocence since its an attack bothering on his person. Atleast, its well known that he posseses the verbal ability to achieve that, like he showed when it bothered on cashless banking, Islamic banking, introduction of 5000 naira notes and many more. If anything is known about Sanusi, its his finely honed oratorial ablity and sophistry.This said, it stands shocking to me that he still hasn't taken to the podium in his usual fashion to explain this whirlwind of a news that might well blow him off. Could this just one of those instances where the overwhelming quality of evidence simple makes an accused numb-struck and utterly defenseless? 
 As I read to my utter chagrin and humour the embarrassing post about one of the topmost officials of our much loved malaise giant of a Nation, hopping on spaghetti legs, I began to wonder if we would ever have again any true heroes that would stand and stare integrity in the face. The quality of this news is even more appreciated when weighed against the fact that such a renowned new outfit like Premium times and Sahara Reporters would now too well about the risk involved in such publications if it turns out to be false or baseless. This is even more so when it bothers on immorality or infidelity of a woman. 

To that extent, to savor the humour contained in Premium Times’ expository/investigative news, I particularly enjoyed the part where lady confessed her appreciation of SLS'skill to rekindle dead embers of love and make the biblical dead bones rise again. Hear her; "I had such a wonderful weekend." “You have revived in me what I thought I lost long ago. I thought I lost the passion to love again,” 
Sincerely, for this confession alone, I made a pact with my self not to direct much negative comments towards her. Yeah,call me bias! Those words brings to mind a successful attempt to restart a dead Ford Mustang GT engine revving up to full capacity with a deep roar of appreciation. Its not so common to see women acknowledging the feat of a man's conquest, so as not be seen as loose, cheap, promiscuous or a 'holic'. But Mrs Yaro threw all that to the wind and did what she had to.Ladies, that's a hint from Mrs Yaro.  

However, my only issues against her are alleged adultery, infidelity, wasting taxpayers money, official corruption and the violation of official code of Conduct and official due process. Besides all these, and maybe a few more, I hold no grudge against her. She's free to go! 
The thoughts of Nigeria being run by a bunch of morally bankrupt individuals feasting on the wealth of the Nation like an all-expense paid party would really sicken any humane mind. It hurts to know that while a large chunk of Nigerians are unimaginably poor, those, whose duty it is to fix these conditions have found it pleasurable to ride on, and make the best fortunes form it. Would have loved to continue on this subject, but having now been over-driven by a feeling of passionate anger and disappointment for a bunch of ignoramus that has vowed to keep a Nation so blessed on a permanent reverse gear, wasting any  more drop of my ink on them would clearly be economically unadvisable. For a Country now known to be head deep in Insanocracy and parliamentum insanum, its obvious that we're now left 'Waiting for God'

Back to Work!