Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Thing About Heartbreaks and Earthquakes;How To Not Die from Heartbreaks.

The Thing About Heartbreaks and Earthquakes;How To Not Die from Heartbreaks.
Did I tell you, yes, You reading now that I've been studying German and a bit of Russian as well? Well, never mind, since it has got nothing to do with heartbreaks or earthquakes after all.
Only a few sights could be more pathetic than that of a full grown man crying, or a young lady recoiling far into her shell because of the sudden slam of heartbreak.
Two months ago, I put up a post on facebook about how I've never suffered a heart break and wouldn't mind one. YES, I haven't! As expected a flurry of comments came in but non struck me like that from a friend whose view was that I had probably never suffered a heartbreak because I had never loved. His opinion was that love and heartbreaks are inseparable, 'mutually inclusive' of each other and that they go hand in like poverty and poor health, a bad car and greasy palms,  Jonathan and inactions/setting up adhoc committees or Arsene Wenger and detrimental frugality.
Its is for this reason that I now write- to strive towards  establishing that loving should not automatically expose one to heartbreak or its associate pitfalls.
One very disheartening sight is that of a heartbroken person, even worse when the victim is a lady.
The aim of this piece is to inform, equip as well as expose certain facts about emotions and how to avoid , handle or mitigate the effect of a heartbreak to its barest minimum.
 The overwhelming and stupefying power of love over us humans can never be overstated. Love at its full swing could be powerful, intoxicating, overpowering, confusing, inexplicable, and totally blinding! Love is such a good feeling that being deprived of it could be likened to slow painful murder. So when we fall face flat for Love, its totally normal and in line with the order of nature. It simply reveals the human in us and that we're not android tablets.
Like the law of diminishing marginal returns, however, love rises to it peak heights and embarks on a steady decline and the rate and manner at which it drops, depends largely on the parties involved as well as the surrounding circumstances. While in some, it drops totally till it vanishes, in others it only reduces its lustre but remains as efficacious as ever. That is the case with couples- I mean MARRIED COUPLES not lovers!
Back to our main issue, heartbreaks, the blunt truth about this is that no heartbreak ever comes without a warning.Like earthquakes, for each case of emotional crack up, several signs are shown, which unfortunately ends up undetected by the victims siesmometer; even when detected, failure to react accordingly. The failure to detect or act upon the detected signs has become the main reason why most people fail to handle the 'shock' involved and in not a few cases, they spiral way out of control.The outcome of this could be depression, starvation, drunkenness, compulsive disorders, violence and  suicides, passionate murders and even serial killings.
Let's consider a common, yet hypothetical scenario to buttress this point, and hope my readers get a lesson or two from it.
In a relationship,which has always been blissful and enviable- maybe not so blissful though, a partner suddenly begins to display certain tendencies that were totally alien to his/her personality and the relationship.  For instance, he becomes violent, sparsely, hardly or never calls, suddenly begins to keep late hours outside, take long late night calls, continues to give excuses why he could not take your call or call you back, now passwords his phones or laptops, leaves your presence to answer a call, or when he doesn't , he responds in monosyllabics; making a potpourri of illogical answers and incoherent words, chuckles and quick responses , then finally says "same here" or "me too" at the end of the call...probably because the caller/recipient says "I love you".
Having noticed this displays, most people are likely to become suspicious, but the the common thing is to shove the feelings aside, since "they haven't caught him pants down yet". Very Noble indeed!  No doubt, that's a good and civilised thought, but the ultimate end- self preservation-must not be left far astray. While we must all strive to display a certain level of maturity and civility, it does no harm to begin saving for the rainy day and reaffirming the fact that anything is possible.
Granted, confrontations at this stage might be way to early, premature and smack of immaturity on her part, and I would most vocally advice against that. However, it simply does more good than harm to begin to see a blurred picture of a looming end.
To liken the above to an earthquake or volcano warning, while the Nigerian government might not budge to relocate and protect its masses from an impending natural disaster, despite several warning signs, the US government as we know too well, would hastily take steps to ensure that its citizens are not caught up in the looming hardship.That is typically the case with dealing with an impending heartbreak!
Once those NEW traits are noticed, the prudent measure to take is to prepare one's mind for an impending heartbreak- and take steps towards emotional relocation or adjustment at the least. Begin to learn how to live without that person. The only inseparable human connection known to man is a siamese twin connected by brain other sensitive organs. Many cases abound where even siamese twin were separated-and they survived. So its VERY possible to survive without any human. Regardless of  how long it takes to come it is safer to prepare - like the US government. Need I tell you how badly those in the Nigerian divide suffer?If the end doesn't come, fine- You deserve to live happily ever after.
 Although, it is practically impossible to shake it off and continue like you only lost a tooth or without feeling deeply cut, the preparedness of mind towards the final event clearly equips the victim with what is needed to combat such heartbreak. Nothing burns  the heart more than a sudden logdment of bad news and prolonged thinking or dwelling on hurtful thoughts. So you might as well do your self the favour of taking the news in tiny, minuscule bits, until the job is done. Shock kills especially when it strikes suddenly!Be warned!!!
Ps: In answer to my good friend's comment, I dare to state that my not suffering a heartbreak has absolutely nothing to do with  'Lovelessness' because I sure do have a Love faculty. Rather it is hinged on the rule of notice, precaution, preparedness and ultimately, the duty of self preservation!
DasveedAnja! Auf wiedersehen! ,Tschuss! Sayanora...Goodbye for now.
Follow Zeus Telescope on twitter @zeuskachi

1 comment:

  1. This a scholarly and an erudite clarion call I must confess for folks that haven't experience this in most cases 'unavodably' sudden breakdown called heartbreak.

    For folks that have, which group i unfortunately belong to,there is no doubt that Zeus in this seminal piece captures it correctly.

    I will add my voice to his and say please be vigilant about those impending heartbreak indicators as Zeus rightly pointed out.

    There is nothing more damaging like a heartbreak when you are really in 'love'.

    Be not confrontational, too suspicious or unreasonable but please be sensible, smart,reasonable and watchful.

